When Molly Swagler was 20 years old, she had one dream – to become a broadcast journalist. But when she met with the news director, he rejected her outright. “You look and sound too young,” he said. Molly was bummed, but took it as a challenge. She didn’t let that stop her from getting what she wanted. Instead, she got creative.
Rather than giving up on her goal, Molly devised an unconventional plan to change the news director’s mind. She went home and drafted an eccentric letter stating, “I have taken up smoking and stopped sleeping...and am now looking a lot older.” Her tongue-in-cheek letter was meant to catch the director’s attention and showcase her wit and determination.
Along with the letter, she included compelling story ideas every day thereafter that could enliven their newscasts. She even sent gifts like a case of his favorite soda.
The news director surely wondered when this spirited young woman would take no for an answer. But eventually Molly wore him down. Thanks to her bold antics – and her sharp journalistic skills – he saw fit to give her a shot. She landed her dream job as an on-air reporter.
Molly’s tale illustrates why marketing executives seeking to launch their careers shouldn’t fear coloring outside the lines. When trying to grab the attention of potential employers, creativity and persistence matter just as much as qualifications.
Rather than blending in with stacks of generic applicants, make yourself memorable. Show the hiring manager why you deserve the position – and why nobody wants it more than you. Be bold and a tad audacious in order to stand out from the crowd.
Just ensure your methods align with company values. Defy norms without being inappropriate or unethical. And back up your unconventional approach with ample proof that you can excel in the role.
Molly’s route won’t be right for everyone. But her willingness to manufacture her own opportunity rather than waiting for one is admirable Marketers should feel empowered to take the road less traveled on their way to securing that dream job.
When faced with initial rejection, come back stronger and find an innovative way to reverse the decision-maker’s stance. Reframe setbacks as a chance showcase your passion.
So take a page from Molly’s playbook. Pull out your proverbial typewriter and craft an eye-catching letter of your own. Start brainstorming what creative tactic could lead hiring managers to exclaim, “You’re hired!”
And if you know of other marketers with an intriguing career origin story, please forward this episode and article their way. We would love to learn how more determined souls turned a “no” into a game-changing yes – and transform those stories into future inspiration for go-getters everywhere.